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Review for "Begin with Yes"
Begin with Yes
Begin with Yes, by Paul S. Boynton. Read by Brian Hutchison.
Audible R.
on 20 Jan. 2021 :
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Comment :
I suffered from depression for many years. I have had unsatisfactory experiences with prescription anti-depressants. Talk therapy never seemed to be effective for me. I was at a loss, just surviving day to day, feeling mostly pessimism about my life and future. I came across the Begin with Yes Facebook page by chance and found the uplifting posts different and appealing--nothing like the typical, traditional cognitive-behavioral mantra currently in use by psychotherapists. I was surprised to find a companion book to the Facebook page. I decided to buy the book. It was a quick read, practical, inspiring and is helping me turn my life and mood around. The main golden nugget of this book is that just by doing one small positive, pro-active act or task a day, no matter how insignificant, is enough to get you to change your mood and life's direction over time. It gets you to minimize constant obsessing, and focus on simple, humble, physical actions, not grand or complicated projects or super-human feats or a gazillion action steps. This book has changed my life, and is proving that I can rebuild my ability to develop hopefulness.
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Review for "Begin with Yes"
Begin with Yes, by Paul S. Boynton. Read by Brian Hutchison.
By Audible R. on 20 Jan. 2021 :