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Review for "The Getaway"
The Getaway
The Getaway, by Tom Barber. Read by John Sackville. Book 2 of the Sam Archer series.
Audible R.
on 31 Jan. 2021 :
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Sam Archer is in New York for his father's funeral. While there he is determined to catch whoever murdered him and make them pay. Much excitement and plot twists ensue. I very much enjoyed the book but had to overlook British spelling differences from American English. I had to chuckle at some of the very British words and phrases the author had American characters say and think. I've never heard an American English speaker say they 'fancied' something to happen. Many other British words and phrases spoken or thought by American characters as well. I also had to Google a few British slang words to understand what was being said. Overall I enjoyed this second book in the Sam Archer series as much as I did the first book, Nine Lives. I'm looking forward to reading all the books in the series to date. I hope it continues for many more books to come. Excellent series.
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Review for "The Getaway"
The Getaway
The Getaway, by Tom Barber. Read by John Sackville. Book 2 of the Sam Archer series.
By Audible R. on 31 Jan. 2021 :