Incentivize, by Tom Spears. Read by the author. With music by Kevin MacLeod. Unabridged CD audiobook.
Incentivize, by Tom Spears. Read by the author. With music by Kevin MacLeod. Unabridged CD audiobook.
Auditor Julia McCoy pushed EthioCupro management too far. She knows the local managers have invested in a company named Incentivize LLC, and are using it as a tool to rake off profits from the Ethiopian subsidiary of mining giant, Matrix Corporation. The threatened men arrange for Julia to have an “accident” during a weekend get-away. To their surprise, Julia survives, but ends up a prisoner of the East African terrorist organization, al Shabab. While out of the way, she is still a threat, inspiring the owners of Incentivize to work to find a way to silence her — permanently.
Download audio sample: http://www.CherryHillPublishing.com/Audio Samples/Incentivize.mp3