Lesley Jones

Lesley Jones was born and raised in Essex, England but moved to Australia in 2006 with her family. Her first book, Saviour, was published in 2013 and she quickly gained a reputation as a writer of gritty, down to earth characters, involved in angsty and emotional plot lines. Carnage, her third novel, has won a number of awards for ‘Best Ugly Cry’. Her readers love the fact that she can switch her stories from hot and steamy, to snot-bubble ugly crying, followed by laugh out loud moments, in the space of a few sentences. Lesley has declared that the very best part of her job is meeting her readers and has travelled the world a number of times over the past few years to do exactly that. When not writing, she is a prolific reader and is a fan of trashy reality TV, listening to music, watching her son play football and enjoys a glass of wine… or three.