The Authoritarians - CD Audio
The Authoritarians, by Bob Altemeyer. Read by the author. Unabridged CD audiobook.
The Authoritarians, by Bob Altemeyer. Read by the author. Unabridged CD audiobook.
Ever since John W. Dean published his Conservatives Without Consciencein 2006, much interest has been vested in the research of Dr. Bob Altemeyer that was so prominently featured in the book.
In CWC, Dean set out to learn why modern conservatives seemed to think and behave in ways diametrically opposite the righteous and moral values they so publicly espoused. What he discovered was an existing body of scientific research tracing back to the cinders of the Holocaust. This research focused on the Authoritarian Personality, which social scientists believe was the enabling element within German society that was so deftly exploited by Adolph Hitler and the Third Reich.
Bob Altemeyer studied the authoritarian personality for over 40 years while a professor of psychology. His experiments drew high praise from other scientists, and won the American Association for the Advancement of Science's Prize for Behavioral Science Research. This book summarizes his many findings, and has been widely acclaimed for the relaxed, conversational way the author presents far-reaching and penetrating insights into American life today.
Listen to this book to understand Donald Trump
Are you absolutely floored and confused as to how someone could support Donald Trump? This book will explain a lot of his popularity with good, hard, scientific data.
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